Food for thoughtUncategorized
May 10, 2013


     Have you ever wondered how some people stay so laser focused on a goal until it is fulfilled... and others cannot focus for longer than the time it takes to have one thought.  Whichever…
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Food for thoughtUncategorized
April 1, 2013


I see people all the time who lose weight, and someone will say to them, "Yeah, but it's JUST water weight"... Well, depending on how you lost the weight, it's probably true...BUT.. the REAL question…
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Food for thoughtUncategorized
June 21, 2012

The Silent Pain of the Proud Ones.. ..I HEAR YOU!!!

Over the past few years, we have watched as our economy tanked, our homeowners were thrown into the streets, the unemployment rates rose to astounding numbers, and everyone was fearful about our future. In Las…
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Food for thoughtUncategorized
May 30, 2012

Protein Shakes.. Is Your Nutrition Built on a Substandard Foundation?

     Without fail, several times a week, I am asked to evaluate and give my opinion on a protein shake.  There are so many of them out there, that it can feel like a daunting…
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Food for thoughtUncategorized
May 24, 2012

Can diabetes be the most misunderstood disease?

Here I am again today, having a very disturbing conversation with a  recently diagnosed type II diabetic. It's an extremely common, unfortunate thing, which shines a brighter light on a growing epidemic of obesity and…
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Food for thoughtUncategorized
May 23, 2012

Cellular Cleansing vs. juice cleansing

     A good friend of mine just asked me about juice cleansing, because of this question and the conversation it started, I have decided to answer the question again on my public forum..... Did you…
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