
noun "Firm, continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition."

Are you struggling as a couple since once of you has come into Network Marketing?

Or are you struggling as a couple to build together?

Did you know there are simple steps and tools you can use to help you reconnect?

Becoming a Powerful Couple in Network Marketing takes Growth.

Just because you’re not growing together in the business, doesn’t mean you can’t still grow together as a couple.

Learn tools to work together with your spouse and accept them for where they’re at.


Have you fallen in love with Network marketing but your partner is dragging his or her feet?  Do you have a skeptical spouse or partner? I’m here to say there is hope…it gets better.  I help coach couples through the hurdles of working together as a team in Network Marketing.
Does your partner fit into one of the following categories?

Do they say something like this?  “It doesn’t work. it’s a scam.  There’s no way that business model is viable, that business model is BS.” 

They hate all your new happy positive friends. They think you drank some Kool-aid and now you’re a nutcase. Are you getting this kind of push back? That’s where I can help.

There are steps to work out this journey together as a team

This is where the real work begins.  My husband and I coach couples just like you, struggling with communication and expectation. We help couples go back to find those things you liked about them before.

What if it becomes an invitation instead of a requirement?

Just because you’re not growing together in the business doesn’t mean you’re not growing together as a couple.  Even if you’re not growing in the business together you  can still use the personal growth to inspire your relationship or move your relationship forward.

Learn tools to work together with your spouse and accept them for where they’re at.